“Bend the tree from its sapling stage, teach the child from a young age.” Preschool is a crucial first step for children, a place to…
Everyone probably remembers the childhood song “beautiful hands, pretty feet, slim waist.” So how can preschoolers have a “slim waist”, be healthy and flexible? The…
“Bend the tree from when it is young.” A nature corner in preschool is not just a refreshing green space but also an engaging outdoor…
“Spare the rod and spoil the child” – this proverb is deeply ingrained in Vietnamese consciousness. But is physical punishment still appropriate in modern early…
“Bend the tree when it is young, teach the child when he is small.” Evaluating kindergarten teachers is not just about assessing competence but also…
“Hoping your child surpasses you is a blessing for the family.” Sending your child to kindergarten means hoping they receive the same care and education…
“My dear child, you’ve grown up so fast! It feels like just yesterday you were so tiny, and now it’s already time for kindergarten!” –…
“Happy child eats well, a mother’s heart is at ease” – this proverb speaks volumes about the feelings of parents. Nutrition for preschoolers is always…
“What job makes life more joyful?” – This seemingly simple question holds wonders for young children. From innocent dreams to naive thoughts, kids gradually explore…
“Raising a child truly reveals a parent’s heart.” Choosing a kindergarten for your beloved child is akin to selecting a second family, a place to…