“A drop of blood is worth more than a pond of water” – this old Vietnamese proverb still holds true today. But what exactly is…
“I love Mom the most in the world” – This familiar line has been ingrained in the minds of countless generations. From early childhood, the…
“As the old bamboo withers, new shoots emerge,” today’s preschoolers are the future of our nation. Choosing the right kindergarten for their beloved children is…
“Children are like buds on a branch – Knowing how to eat, sleep, and study is being good.” Play is not just an essential part…
“Which tree has no branches?” – a fun question that kids often ask. Preschool age is when children are incredibly curious and love to explore…
“Do you like Christmas, kids? This year, we’re going to decorate our classroom beautifully to welcome Santa Claus!” – Ms. Lan, the kindergarten teacher at…
“Settle down to thrive” – our ancestors’ teaching is indeed true. A solid home is the foundation for all development, and for children, the first…
“Bend the tree when it is young, teach the child when they are small.” This proverb from our ancestors affirms the importance of preschool education.…
“The child surpasses the parent, a blessed home it makes,” watching the little ones excitedly perform plays fills my heart with indescribable joy. For over…
“Bend the tree when it’s young, teach the child when they are small.” Continuing professional development for preschool teachers, especially Module 3, is the key…