“Bend the tree when it is young, teach the child when they are small.” Kindergarten thematic activities are the golden key to unlocking the door…
“Necessity is the mother of invention,” as the saying goes. Kindergarten classrooms always need flexibility, especially with limited space. So, what’s the solution to this…
“Teaching children is like growing trees; you must cultivate from the roots,” an old proverb affirms the importance of early childhood education in each person’s…
“Bend the tree when it’s young, teach the child when they are young.” This proverb highlights the importance of early childhood education and the role…
“Raise children from a young age”. Choosing the right preschool is a major concern for many parents. Lu Gia Private Preschool stands out as a…
“Raising children from infancy,” choosing the right kindergarten for your little one is always a concern for parents. Especially in a developed area like Long…
“Raising children from a young age.” Choosing the right preschool environment for your beloved child is always a concern for parents. Is the Bach Viet…
“Learn to eat, learn to speak, learn to wrap, learn to open” – this ancient proverb still holds true today. And preschool is the starting…
“Children are like buds on a branch, knowing little about right and wrong?” This old proverb partly reflects the innocence of our future generation. To…
“Bend the tree from its sapling stage, teach your child from their early years.” Choosing the right preschool environment is crucial for a child’s development.…