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Creative Learning Ideas for Preschoolers (Ages 3-4)

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“Teaching young children is like shaping young trees,” emphasizing the crucial role of early childhood education for the holistic development of children aged 3-4. Preschool best practices for 3 and 4 year olds are not just about applying advanced educational methods but also an art of nurturing young souls. Let’s explore valuable insights and creative ideas for this age group.

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Exploring the World Around Through Play

At 3-4 years old, children are like blank canvases, always curious and eager to explore the world around them. A useful educational approach is to integrate learning activities into play. For example, role-playing games like doctor, engineer, or chef help children develop social skills, creative thinking, and explore future professions. Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan, an early childhood education expert, in her book “Nurturing Young Talents,” also emphasizes the importance of learning through hands-on experiences.

Language Development Through Storytelling

Just like “bamboo shoots grow from old bamboo,” reading and telling stories to children not only helps them develop language but also nurtures their souls and shapes their character. Choosing fairy tales and fables with vivid and relatable images helps children easily absorb and remember. Ms. Pham Thi Hoa, an experienced preschool teacher in Hanoi, shares: “Storytelling combined with illustrative activities and role-playing helps children enthusiastically participate and develop their expressive abilities.”

Baby Minh, 4 years old, loves listening to her mother tell the fairy tale “Tam and Cam”. She often asks her mother about the fates of the characters, about good and evil. Through stories, she gradually forms initial concepts of morality and justice. Perhaps sowing seeds of goodness in children’s souls is the most important thing in early childhood education.

Music and Art – Nurturing Young Souls

Music and art are “tonics” for children’s souls. Creative ideas combining music and art into the curriculum help children develop their perception, creative thinking, and self-expression. trường mầm non trạng tí always emphasizes organizing music and art activities, creating space for children to freely create.

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According to folk beliefs, exposing children to music from a young age helps them develop “clear ears and bright eyes,” enhancing their intelligence. Our ancestors often lulled children to sleep with gentle lullabies and sweet folk melodies. This is also a way to transmit culture and love for the homeland to future generations.

Connecting Family and School

Close coordination between family and school is a key factor in preschool education. trường mầm non benben nguyễn văn cừ always encourages parents to participate in school activities and share their experiences in raising children.

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Applying preschool best practices for 3 and 4 year olds is a long journey that requires perseverance, patience, and boundless love for children. Let’s join hands to create the best educational environment, helping children develop comprehensively both physically and mentally. Please leave a comment and share this article if you find it helpful. You can also explore other articles on the “TUỔI THƠ” website for more useful knowledge about early childhood education. Contact Phone Number: 0372999999, or visit the address: 234 Hao Nam, Hanoi. We have a 24/7 customer care team.