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Preschool Teacher Ranks Explained

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“Raising children is like cultivating young plants,” a saying from our ancestors still holds true today. Those diligent “gardeners” are none other than preschool teachers, the ones who lay the very first foundations for a child’s development. So, how are “preschool teacher professional title ranks” categorized? Let’s explore this with me, a preschool teacher with over 12 years of experience! Be Ngoan Kindergarten in Can Tho is a prime example of a quality preschool education environment.

Preschool Teacher Professional Title Ranking System

The system of professional titles for preschool teachers is categorized based on educational qualifications, teaching experience, and professional competency. It can be roughly understood as “sprouts,” “growing trees,” and “mature trees.” Each rank has different requirements and responsibilities, creating a robust system that ensures the quality of education for children.

Specific Rank Titles

  • Preschool Teacher: This is the basic rank, for those who are new to the profession, like newly sprouted “sprouts.” They need to have at least an intermediate degree in preschool education and a love for children, along with enthusiasm for the job. Ms. Lan, a young teacher at Hoa Sen Kindergarten in Hanoi, shared: “Every day I come to school, seeing the children’s smiles is the biggest motivation for me to continue contributing.”
  • Principal Preschool Teacher: A “growing tree” that has begun to take root and become more stable. To achieve this rank, teachers need at least a college degree in preschool education, a certain amount of teaching experience, and meet standards of professional competency. According to Ms. Mai, a principal preschool teacher at Be Yeu Kindergarten in Ho Chi Minh City: “The responsibility of a principal teacher is not only to care for and teach children but also to act as a bridge between the school and families.”
  • Senior Preschool Teacher: This is the highest rank, like a solid “mature tree,” sheltering the “sprouts.” Senior preschool teachers need at least a university degree in preschool education, many years of teaching experience, outstanding professional competency, and make positive contributions to preschool education. In the book “The Preschool Education Profession,” author Nguyen Thi Hoa wrote: “Senior preschool teachers are exemplary teachers, role models for younger generations of teachers to follow.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Many people wonder about the ranking of professional titles for preschool teachers. Here are some frequently asked questions:

How do rank titles affect salary and benefits?

Each rank title corresponds to a different salary level and benefit package. The higher the rank, the better the salary and benefits. Accumulating preschool professional development will help teachers advance in their careers.

How to advance rank titles?

To advance ranks, teachers need to meet the requirements for educational qualifications, teaching experience, and professional competency. Participating in regular professional development for preschool module 1 courses is an effective way to improve qualifications.

Preschool teacher career advancementPreschool teacher career advancement

Spirituality and the Preschool Education Profession

Vietnamese people have a saying, “teach children when they are young.” Educating young children is not just about imparting knowledge but also about teaching morality and nurturing their souls. Many believe that those in the teaching profession, especially preschool teachers, need to have “heart” and “virtue.” Only then can they “nurture the seeds” for future generations.

Being a preschool teacher is not just a job, but a mission. They are the sowers, the cultivators, so that those “sprouts” can grow strong. The preschool teacher’s work schedule may be busy, but it is always filled with joy and meaning.


Hopefully, this article has provided you with useful information about preschool teacher professional title ranks. Let’s join hands to create the best educational environment for children, so they can have a bright future. Don’t forget to leave a comment and share this article if you find it helpful! You can also explore other articles on the “TUỔI THƠ” website to learn more about preschool education. Gifts for preschool teachers on November 20th is also an interesting topic you can check out. Please contact us at 0372999999 or visit us at 234 Hao Nam, Hanoi if you need support. Our customer care team is always ready to serve you 24/7.