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Tall & Short Trees: A Fun Preschool Lesson Plan

Trees are an integral part of our lives. From a young age, children are exposed to nature and the trees around them. To help children learn more about the plant world, preschool teachers often include lessons about trees in their curriculum, including the lesson on “tall and short trees.”

Tall & Short Trees Preschool Lesson Plan: Objectives and Content

“Tall and short trees” is a simple yet highly beneficial lesson for preschoolers. This lesson helps children develop recognition skills regarding the height and size of different types of trees. Children will also learn how to compare and classify trees based on their height.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Children can distinguish between tall and short trees.
  • Children can compare the heights of different types of trees.
  • Children know the names of some tall and short trees.
  • Children develop observation, recognition, and classification skills.
  • Children practice communication and interaction skills in the classroom.

Lesson Content:

  • Introduction to Tall and Short Trees:
    • Show children pictures or videos of tall trees such as banyan trees, phoenix trees, rubber trees, etc.
    • Show children pictures or videos of short trees such as rose bushes, water spinach plants, banana trees, etc.
    • Ask children: “Which tree is tall? Which tree is short?”
    • Teach children how to compare the height of trees using their hands or rulers.
  • Play Games:
    • Game “Who is taller?”: Divide children into 2 teams, each team chooses a representative. The two representatives stand next to each other, the team with the taller representative wins.
    • Game “Tall Tree, Short Tree”: The teacher asks children to line up in a row, then points to each child and says “Tall Tree” or “Short Tree” depending on the child’s height.
  • Experiential Activities:
    • Take children outside to the schoolyard to observe different types of trees.
    • Ask children: “Which tree is the tallest? Which tree is the shortest?”
    • Let children freely play around the trees.
  • Storytelling:
    • Tell children the story of “The Star Fruit Tree” to show them the difference in height between a star fruit tree and a areca tree.
    • Suggest to children: “Imagine you are a tall tree, what would you do?”

Effective Teaching Methods

To make the “Tall and Short Trees” lesson more engaging and effective, teachers can apply some of the following teaching methods:

  • Visual Method: Use pictures, videos, models, and real objects to help children easily absorb knowledge. For example, teachers can use pictures of tall and short trees for children to observe and compare.
  • Game-Based Method: Utilize simple and engaging games to help children play and learn. The games “Who is taller?” or “Tall Tree, Short Tree” are typical examples.
  • Problem-Posing Method: Teachers pose open-ended questions to stimulate children’s thinking and curiosity. For example, the teacher can ask: “What are the benefits of tall trees? What are the benefits of short trees?”.
  • Combination Method: Combine different methods to make the lesson richer and more lively. For example, teachers can combine visual and game-based methods to allow children to both learn and play.
  • Integration Method: Integrate knowledge about tall and short trees into other children’s activities such as drawing, coloring, singing, and dancing.

Expert Experience Sharing

According to Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, a preschool teacher with over 10 years of experience, “The ‘Tall and Short Trees’ lesson is a simple but very necessary lesson for preschoolers. By using effective teaching methods, teachers can help children learn and develop comprehensively.”

Dr. Nguyen Van A, an expert in early childhood education, believes that: “Teaching children about trees, about tall and short trees is very necessary. It not only helps children understand the plant world but also helps children develop a love for nature, contributing to building environmental awareness.”

Notes When Designing Lesson Plans

To ensure the “Tall and Short Trees” lesson plan is highly effective, teachers need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Choose content appropriate for the age of the children.
  • Use appropriate teaching methods to create interest for children.
  • Prepare all necessary tools and materials.
  • Divide the class into small groups so that children can interact with each other.
  • Evaluate children’s learning outcomes by observing, monitoring, and talking with children.

Additional Suggestions

  • After completing the lesson, teachers can ask children to go home and learn more about tall and short trees.
  • Encourage children to draw and color pictures of their favorite trees.
  • Let children participate in outdoor activities related to trees such as planting trees and caring for trees.


The “Tall and Short Trees” lesson is a beneficial and interesting lesson for preschoolers. By applying effective teaching methods, teachers can help children learn and develop comprehensively.

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